длина ниже бедра, силуэт Оверсайз. Есть воротник-стойка, отстегивающийся капюшон и ветрозащитная планка.
Боковые карманы с листочкой на кнопках и внутренний карман на молнии
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Манжеты и пояс оформлены тканевой резинкой, двухслойный капюшон со шнурком для регулировки, карманы спереди
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
область печати: задняя сторона чехла, без боковых панелей
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
Тематика принта: aaron weaver | bbc s | black cascade | celestial lineage | demo | diadem of 12 stars | doom metal | live at roadburn 2008 | malevolent grain | nathan weaver | nick paul | richard dahlin | two hunters | will lindsay | wolves in the throne room
общий размер — 65 х 85 см, ширина нагрудника — 26 см, горловина — 53 см, длина завязок — 54 см, общий обхват в поясе — 173 см. Принт на завязках и на горловине наносится с двух сторон, на основной части фартука — только с внешней стороны